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Maxillofacial Injury Treatment

Maxillofacial Injury Treatment

Injuries to the facial region are fairly common. Facial region is of importance because of its proximity to brain and it is involved with our everyday psychosocial wellbeing. Any impairment in this region could have devastating psychological impacts.

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What is the role of Plastic Surgeon in maxillofacial injury?

Facial cuts and lacerations are sutured with very fine sutures with minimal scarring. Facial bone fractures are fixed with implants and screw depending upon degree of displacement and level of fracture on the face. If there is lot of contamination with mud or dirt then wound is washed thoroughly and brushed to remove all dirt particles to prevent possibility of infection or permanent discoloration of the wound. Plastic Surgeon is the best specialist to align cosmetically relevant structures like eyebrows, lips, eyelids, etc. The first chance of repairing these vital structures is the best chance as these are specialized structures which cannot be replaced by any other tissue from the body without being noticeable.

What are the causes of facial trauma?

Road traffic accidents, sports injuries, intentional violence,minor or major fall on the face, etc can cause facial injuries.

Various studies showed that 60% of patients with severe facial trauma have concomitant multisystem injuries and potential for airway compromise and approximately 50% patients have brain injury.

What are the signs and symptoms of facial fractures?

Facial asymmetry, blackish discoloration around eyes, vision difficulties, double vision, restricted vision, loss of sensation over cheeks and chin, breathing difficulty, pain over trauma site, bony irregularities or inability to open mouth, etc. along with facial cuts, lacerations, abrasions.


Facial fractures should be fixed within maximum of21 days but better results can be obtained if fixation is done within 7 days of trauma (either before swelling develops or when swelling subsides if it has already developed.)

Ignoring facial fractures and reaching Plastic Surgeon late can lead to mal-alignment of bones causing permanent functional deformities like deviation of nose, visual disturbances, facial asymmetry (maybe associated with Facial nerve injury), malocclusion/ malalignment of teeth’s, inability to chew the food.

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